The Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences is an independent research institute within OHSU that is dedicated to health and safety in the workplace. We perform biomedical, clinical, and applied occupational research aimed at promoting health and reducing disease and disability among workers across the nation, particularly in Oregon. The Institute receives its base funding from the Oregon Workers’ Compensation Fund and leverages this base funding to secure additional funding via federal government grants. The Clinical Physiology and Chronobiology Program (CPCP) located within the Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences at OHSU specializes in clinical research on the effects of sleep and circadian rhythms on physiology and pathophysiology in humans.
The successful candidate will serve as a project leader under the direction of Drs. Nicole Bowles and Steven Shea as part of the CPCP. The postdoctoral scholar will work on multiple projects examining the interconnection between cannabis use (or related products) and sleep/circadian rhythms.
Primary duties will include developing scientific ideas, writing grant applications and manuscripts, data collection and management, and supervision of research assistants. The successful candidate will be proficient in project management and independently monitoring study operations, budget management and managing human subjects IRB protocols and modifications. Shift work and weekend work (including night-time data collection) is expected. Additional duties can include overseeing and managing research equipment, materials, and logistics (with the assistance of clinical research assistants).
Prior experience with making measurements in human or mammalian physiology, data analysis, and overseeing research studies is required. Experience with circadian or sleep studies, measurement of cardiovascular and metabolic variables, accelerometry, and panel/longitudinal data is desirable. This position will start on or after July 15, 2024. To apply, please upload a letter of introduction personalized to this position, résumé/CV, and a published paper. Contact for more information.